Tuesday, July 7, 2015

CUISINE: #HealthyFoodChoice: rainy day salad 8 (native fruits salad): lettuce, macopa (java apple), guava, cucumber, corn, carrot in bignay (currant tree) vinaigrette (july 7, 2015)

(new series of balance meals centering on fruits and vegetables...)
NEW IN: chopping up some vegetables and stacking up some fruits and other preserves and condiments then combining and mixing different flavors and textures...
rainy day salad 8 (native fruits salad): lettuce, macopa (java apple), guava, cucumber, corn, carrot in bignay (currant tree) vinaigrette...
july 7, 2015

*look at this spread....
cubed cucumber, carrot...
corn kernels...
native fruits (guava and macopa aka java apple... this macopa is a chinese macopa...)

*guava and macopa cut into small pieces...


*top this mix on the lettuce bed...


*boil in water with a little bit of sugar and honey... bignay tastes sour so this can act as a vinaigrette... (done this a few days back and set aside in the fridge)

*bignay preserve/vinaigrette...

STYLE (eat healthy) AWAY!


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